Hagios Georgios Church to serve tourism

Egean Suomalaiset Yhdistys toimii Turkin Kuşadasıssa

Photo: pixabay.com

Hagios Georgios Church to serve tourism

In the original news story is written, brief quote:


The Hagios Georgios Church, which was built in the northwestern province of Bilecik’s Osmaneli district at the end of 1800s and now lies in ruins, will be converted into a museum after a restoration process.

The restoration project of the historical structure has been approved by the Council of Monuments and is set to be finished in two years.

“The most important feature of this district is that it is the first place where the Seljuks first arrived and became Turks when they set off to conquer İznik,” said Osmaneli Mayor Münür Şahin, while noting that the history of the district stretched back to 8000 B.C. “In 1075, Osmaneli – then named Lefke – and İznik were conquered by the Seljuk and then the Anatolian Seljuk Empire…

You can read the full version of the article from the original link below …

Source: hurriyetdailynews.com

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